Saturday, March 21, 2009

America's Favorite Pastime?

Did you know that right at this very moment hundreds of millions of people all across the world are tuned in on their radios and televisions to watch a major sporting event? And no, I'm not talking about NCAA men's basketball tournament. As my March Madness bracket begins to sink to the bottom of my pool, all of my neighbors, co-workers, and students are anxiously watching the Japan national team in the WBC.

The WBC? My mind was drawing a blank when Stewart first mentioned over dinner last weekend. The Women's Basketball Championship? The Women's Bowling Challenge? I was pretty sure it was Women's something. As my facial expression no doubt matched my mind, Stewart helpfully supplied an explanation. I was wrong. It's the World Baseball Classic.

The World Baseball Classic. It's the Baseball World Cup basically. It happens every four years and countries from all over the world participate. Did you even know something like this existed? Now, I don't claim to be the average American sports fan. I like to believe that I'm not the average anything. However, I do feel fairly confident that most Americans join me in my ignorance of the WBC, a fact that shocks and dismays most Japanese. This appears to be as big, if not bigger, than the Olympics. During recess and break periods, fifth and sixth year students have been begging to enter the teacher's room to watch the games on the television. It was even the main topic of discussion during my lunch with a second grade class. I had all of these 7-year-olds talking to me so earnestly about the Japanese team and I think even doing a little bit of trash talking about the upcoming Japan v. USA game. Well, we'll just see.

Album currently playing on my IPOD - Beck's 2008 Modern Guilt.

- Jenny

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You aren't that out of it Jenny. This is only the second World Baseball "Classic". The first one was in 2006 I believe. It is a bit controversial here because of course we have all major leaguers on our team who are missing spring training for it and their teams don't want them injured. As a result it has some strange rules like pitch counts and mercy rules.

The Dutch did well though so that was fun.
