Thursday, February 5, 2009

Down For Repairs

Sorry I haven't posted recently. Almost 2 weeks ago, my hard drive performed the task all hard drives are destined to perform. It crashed. It blowed up. I cried.

Since then, my attempt to first fix it - and when that proved not quite impossible, but rather improbable - then to purchase a new one, has become a veritable three-ring circus with me playing the role of bewildered ringmaster standing dazed in the center ring.

So, you'll have to wait just a bit longer to hear about my New Year. I know that y'all are quivering with anticipation. I promise, it will not live up to all of this hype ;)

- Jenny

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jenny,

Nice Blog! We are ancient friends of Stewart and Nobie. Can you forward my e-mail? I am also on facebook in the Juneau, Alaska group.

I saw one picture of stewart on Flickr... any of Nobie or Mariko?

I hope you continue to enjoy your adventure!

Rickand Becky McDonald, Ketchikan, AK