Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Is There Anybody Out There?

My dear friends, I have not abandoned you.

I'm actually in Kitakyushu for a few days for training. I'm learning all of the things that would have been nice to know before I started teaching. Such as, did you know that it is impolite to blow your nose in public? You're supposed to leave the room or at the very least hide in a corner or something. That would have been nice to know a couple months ago when I had a cold. Oddly enough however, It is not impolite if you have a runny nose to constantly sniff even if someone is talking to you. It's so gross and annoying. I constantly want to shove a box of kleenex at people as they sniffle throughout the day. Just blow your d**n nose!

I've also discovered that about a quarter of the paperwork that I am supposed to be filling out I've been doing wrong. And I've realized that I am expected to bring gifts - usually some kind of cookies or something - to my schools since I've done a little traveling over the break. This is a very gift giving culture. I'm going to have to hit the stores at the railway station to find something that I can pass off as purchased in Kyoto.

On the other hand, since I've already been teaching for four months, I do know a lot of what they are going through and am occasionally asked to speak as a voice of experience for the new teachers coming in. That's always fun :)

Anyway, sorry for my recent absence and I'll try to get a new post up soon. Thanks for reading!

- Jenny

1 comment:

Katie Stewart said...

Hey Jenny-

After I read your blog, I finally understand something in my classroom. Yes, the Asian kids sniff and sniff, but when I hand them a Kleenex, they take it and put it in their laps. I never understood this, but now I understand. Hope you are doing well. School's going great for me.

Love you,