Sunday, July 6, 2008

Do You Understand The Meaning?

A Brief Interlude -

I was walking around downtown the other day and saw a t-shirt that said, 'Do you understand the meaning?' For a few seconds, I honest to goodness started to freak out. No! I don't understand the meaning! What is the meaning?! It's one thing to spend a good part of the day not understanding what is being said or being able to read any signs because you don't know the language, but to be confronted with your native tongue and still not understand is disturbing to say the least.

I was asked the other day by one of my school coordinators if I was understanding spoken Japanese better than I did when I first came. I am, of course. It would be impossible not to have gained some knowledge, even if I wasn't trying. However, I realized that more than a better grasp of the language, I understand the Japanese mindset better. I may not really understand the words they are saying, but I have a better understanding of what they will say or ask in a given situation and can respond accordingly. It's a start anyway.

- Jenny

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